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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Veering Off Track

I've realized that I have slowly veered off track.  I meant to write more about fashion, because I really do love fashion.  I have gone on about twenty shopping trips since I started this blog.  In fact, I just went on a shopping trip this last weekend.  But after a while, I realized that I'm kinda uncomfortable with taking a picture of me in my outfits, and the outfits look bad without someone wearing them.  I just feel like such a narcissist when I take a picture of my outfits and then talk about how great they are.  It seems somehow wrong. So I guess the fashion component of this blog is still there, just without me taking pictures of myself with my toilet in the background.

Now I'm back at school, carrying books so heavy that they are making me shrink, and wondering what kind of mystery meat is on the menu today.  I just wish I could be back in Michigan, reading, taking pictures, and eating cookie dough.  For fun, I added up how many pages(from books) that I have read since the beginning of spring break.  5500 pages.  That's right folks. Now that I'm back in school though, I have literally no time to read.  None. Zip.  Nada.   I feel awful too.  Because I read so many great books, I can't help but feel that my life is boring, lacking the peril and adventure that I crave.  I want to kill vampires, fly, and have a pet mountain lion.  But none of these things are going to happen in real life.  I guess that's what's so great about a book.  You can escape the dull throb of daily life and jump into a different kind of reality.

Saturday, April 23, 2011


YYYOOOOOOOOOOPPPPPPPPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  The photos from spring break have been salvaged.  They are super silly but some are really cool.  A lot of the pictures I took at a supermarket, which is a surprisingly good place to take photos.  Now that spring break is almost over, I am dreading the fact that soon I will be giving up my days to CPS.  I guess I'll just enjoy it while it lasts.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Scrumptious Words

I am utterly completely disappointed. Not in you.  In me.  My dearest readers have been eagerly waiting for a new post, and here I am just putzing around ignoring my blogging duties.  I am ashamed.  I should move to another country, and adopt the name CHIKA PFHIEHFIEOHFEI.  But, I can't find my passport, so that trip is temporarily on hold.  I actually took some fantastic pictures at the super market and at my farm, but in my blog ignorance, I forgot the computer cable that transfers photos to my computer.  So until I return to home base, I can't upload or organize any pictures, which is maddening.  All I have done is play with my cats, and read three 700 page books.  The weather hasn't exactly been helpful either.
 This post feels empty without the long string of pictures that usually follows my words of wisdomosity.
But wait!!!! There is some hope!!!!
I took a few silly pictures with my phone, but all posts need pictures, so these little tid bits will have to do.  Some of the pictures are pretty cool actually.   My phone has this thing where I can make the pictures I took look like paintings, and it works( the only problem is the pictures look really grainy and pix-elated when I make them bigger)!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

The Farmer and the Cowman Should Be Friends

I guess, technically I am a farmer.  I know when you think FARMER, you see: red-neck hillbilly, with missing teeth and a beat up tractor.  But there really is more to farming than that.  Farming is living off the land.  Now you may be wondering why the heck a city girl is babbling about farming, but in fact I have been living a double life.  I have a farm, and we go there on the weekends.  And we grow stuff.  Lots of stuff.  The best stuff.  We grow everything: potatoes, beets, parsley,basil, tomatoes, peppers, lettuce, eggplants, squash, sweet potatoes, green beans, sugar snap peas, garlic, zucchini, broccoli, and so much more.  There are literally vegetable growing out of your ears( I will save the jalapeƱo ear accident story for another time).  We don't sell them though, so that a minus.  We just eat the stuff 'till you barf when you hear the word VEGETABLE.  Actually, we still have fresh farm stuff in the winter, so we never get a break.  I'm not sure about you readers, but my mom has an unhealthy obsession with freezing things.  She freezes everything, from cake to soup, to chicken, to MORE vegetables.  So whenever we have extra food poof into the freezer.  We had to buy a second freezer.  Insanity.  Besides the incessant veggie problem, I have a good 'ol time at ye old farm, and the scenery there is absolutely brilliant.