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Monday, April 4, 2011

The Matrix

It's getting old. 
The idea has been over used, over advertised, and over everything else.  But somehow people still milk the idea.  Just one more movie, they say.  The idea is................. a dream( possibly within a dream within a dream within another dream).  After sacrificing several hours of my life reading a midsummer nights dream, I realized that that incredibly stone aged book used the idea of a dream within a dream.  And it doesn't end there.  Man kind continued to use this idea, for the Matrix movies, and now the super cool Inception.  That is what I call an obsession.  Not that I can blame them.  The concept is utterly fascinating, and the concepts just snow ball in your small pea sized brain until you are left with one core, simple question.  What is real?  Is this real? What defines real?  Who defines real?
 My reality may be completely different than another person's reality. ( I know this is getting philosophical, but hang in there. )
 I asked my sister:
"Do you think this world we are living in is real, or is it a dream, or an illusion?"
And she said "It's real. I know it's real."
But what does it mean to know something?  What is knowledge?  I mean, these are questions that have been floating around since Aristotle, or Socrates, or another old Greek man.  Yet they remain unsolved.  How can they be solved?  They can't.  We don't know the answers.  And this is the birth of philosophy.

And speaking of the Matrix...........( I am about to go off on a tangent so beware).  My dearest father informed me of several articles about AI (artificial intelligence). And they are scary as hell.  Basically to summarize this, when I am a sweet old grandma, computers will be smarter than humans.  There are so many different approaches to this problem though.  Some people think the AI will have no use for us humans, while others think these robots will just make our lives a hell of a lot easier.  I think that robots and AI are overrated.  Humans can never be truly replaced.  No matter how advanced the technology, no robot can feel the way a human feels.  A human is shaped so uniquely, from it's DNA to the environment it grew up in.  Humans are shaped by their troubles, good times, and experiences.  Robots can never truly achieve that. They can not fall in love, and get butterflies.  They can't cry when their best friend hurts them.  Because they can't do these things we do every day, they can grow and develop.  
But that's just my opinion!

-Wow I'm surprised by how nerdy I am

- Wow I'm a nerd

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