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Tuesday, March 29, 2011


I was watching the news the other day and some poor man coming home from a restaurant got in a car crash and died, and that's when it dawned on me.  What if that man had stayed in the restaurant a few minutes longer to argue about the tip?  Would he be alive?
I guess at some point in time, everyone goes through a phase where they wonder whether or not things happen for a reason.  I guess my phase has just started.  Actually, thinking about it kind of blows my mind.  What if my dad took a few more seconds in the men's locker room and never met my mom at the health club?  I wouldn't be here.  Some things as simple as a few seconds can change your whole life.  Did my parents run into each other by accident, or was that supposed to happen?
 I'm not going to bring religion into this, but I don't think that some greater power made it happen.  Maybe two people just happened to run into each other and fall in love.  Maybe everything we do is just a coincidence.  But, sometimes it seem so perfect, too perfect to be an accident.
Maybe it was supposed to happen.  If you think about it right now, your brain will end up reeling.  I guess some things just can't be explained, like physics, and why Sarah Palin was born.  For now though, I guess we should just appreciate all of the coincidences that happen in our lives.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Beauty and the Nikon

Today, shopping was in the air..................
Target and Costco were our main stops.  I was stranded here in Chicago with my lovely mother because my father and my sister were asked to go on an alien space mission.  Unfortunately, mom is not a shopping type.  After trying on two target outfits, she was ready to hit the road.  She needed to build her shopping-stamina, so I insisted that she stay until I tried on twelve more outfits.  Once I was done buying mini shampoos and conditioners, mini lotions, mini lip glosses, and mini soaps (I have a slight obsession with all things mini), we headed over to Costco.  Oh it was time!  The delicious crisp money was in my hand, and I could finally afford the Nikon L110!
COOLPIX L110 26194
  It was gorgeous.  To me, it is the camera equivalent of an expensive sports car.  It was also much better that I had saved up for it myself.  My parents refused to buy it for me saying that work builds character blah blah blah.  So I ended up doing grueling child labor and other seemingly impossible tasks to get my Nikon.  And it felt great.  It is freezing out so I couldn't get any great outdoor pictures,  but I took some kinda dorky pictures from around my crib.

Although the pictures are not the greatest, the quality is superb.  I took all black and white pictures, because somehow it seems that black and whites alway turns out more majestic and beautiful that color images.  So there you have it.  A new camera, a new era, a new start.
-Peace, Pie, and Pillow fights

Friday, March 25, 2011

Friday Friday Friday

Well, Fridays have been kind of ruined for me.  Rebecca Black's little single was playing during passing periods the whole day.  Actually, I wanted to talk about that.  Everyone knows about it, even my dad (who is forty something or another, and thinks he's a hipster).  When I showed it to my mom, she loved it(????? Moms.*Sigh*).  An although everyone claims that it is by far the worst song they have ever heard, when it is playing in the halls, everyone is smiling.  Despite the not so great lyrics and the ridiculosity of it all, it's pretty catchy.  Sure it's bad.  Sure you can only watch half the video before crying.  But, it's catchy and happy and carefree, so I gotta give her that.  I just hope she doesn't go into a movie theater, because she will not be able to decide which seat to take(sorry, corny joke).  If you haven't seen it(which is unlikely to say the least) here it is.

Wow.  No words to describe this masterpiece.
Hint: *sarcasm

I've actually been thinking though (dangerous, I know) about my future.  High schools are super hyped up about college applications and the whole process.  I guess I think it's a little bit TOO much at my school.  During Freshman Connection, they had us writing essays to colleges.  I just feel like you shouldn't do everything is high school just because it looks good on a college application you know?  And the pressure is immense.  These days, a B is the equivalent of a D.  High schoolers are cheating,lying, and BS ing, their way along just so they can get a little bit of a higher GPA.  Yes, it's important, but it is not the be all and end all.  You are not going to become a hobo because you got a B in World Studies.  And careers! Don't get me started.  Since I was three, I have wanted to be a vet.  But now that i'm in high school, I'm not so sure.  Spencer Tweedy begged me to be a comedian, my math teacher told me to be a writer, and my sister said it didn't matter because I would be in jail for animal hoarding.  You can't win.

Did any of you see the thirty rock episode last night? When people ask Liz Lemon what a newspaper stand is?   And a hobo said it was a toilet? I almost cried, because it is true.  The written word is becoming less and less valuable in this technological world.  Although many people still do appreciate good literature, I see fewer people at the beach reading a book, and more and more people playing Fruit Ninja on their new iPads.  Us writers and Bloggers need a plan B( that was also from the episode).  And speaking of dear Liz Lemon, Tina Few is one of my idols.  Being a comedy writer for movies and shows and SNL would be one of the coolest jobs ever. She is smart, pretty, extremely funny, and witty.  A girl can hardly ask for more.

-Yesterday was Thursday
Today is Friday
Tomorrow is Saturday
And After that is Sunday

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Northside Students+ Two deadly chemicals= Zombie Apocalypse

Yes the rumors our true.  The wonderful Northside School has started the zombie apocalypse. Almost.
At the end of the day, the halls smelled kind of funny, but I shrugged it off as lots of student perfume mixed with BO. Then, I went into the art room to finish up my project.  Just when I arrived, I was told that we might have to evacuate the building.  AT this point I almost peed in my pants.  My friends and I were having some serious panic attacks.  So it turns out that a chem student mixed two deadly chemicals together, that could be harmful to the student population, so firefighters and policemen rushed into the building and ushered us out.  I guess some students were also quarantined(SEE IT IS THE APOCALYPSE!!!!!)  SO that is the great news!  My dad actually told me that it was on like 5 news channels so, fame is on the way.

Zombie Apocalypse aside, the weeks have been glorious.  My cousins took me to a Maroon 5 concert, and it was actually pretty good.  I am not a big Maroon five fan, but they were not bad.  Mostly thought, I just enjoyed the amazing opportunities for picture taking.  It seemed like the lead singer was just posing for pictures the whole time.

This is probably the best picture I have ever taken.  Amazing.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Love Affair

Yes, it's juicy.  Yes, it's dirty.  Yes, It's love.  It's Glee!!!! Now you Glee haters out there, don't read this and don't egg my house.  I love Glee, with a burning passion inside of my heart.  The songs are great, the characters are funny,  Britany S. Pearce has the best one liners, and Puckerman is just plain old HOT.

Yes, ladies, try not to drool.  He is fantastical.

 Actually, lately the relashionships in Glee are getting pretty crazy.  Blaine and Curt, two boys are in love, Rachael loves Finn, Finn loves Rachael and Quinn, Quinn loves Finn, Puckerman loves Lauren Zizes, a four hundred pound wrestler girl, and Mr. Chou likes Ms. Holiday(Gwyneth  Paltrow), but he also likes Emma Pilsbury the germaphobe.  Talk about a love octagon.  I have so much respect for the writers of this show, who never cease to amaze me with new original songs, plot twists, and good clean (well, actually not really clean) fun.  Unfortunately though, when I watch Glee, I get a song stuck in my head for weeks.  But the worst problem is that I only know one verse of the song, so I just repeat that verse over and over.  As you can probably image, that get's more than a little bit annoying.  More than once have my parent threatened to strangle me.  In the end, Glee and I are inseparable, and nothing can tear us apart.

-Alia Out
PS:  If you love glee post comments!

Monday, March 14, 2011


The moment of truth has come............ WE ARE GETTING CHICKENS !!!!!!! My parent finally decided to let us get chickens in our backyard, and we're gonna get them super soon. We are going to a farm in a month to pick out our chickens!  Actually, I think they are going to be chicks, all fuzzy and cute and yummy(Just kidding). I don't know what to name a chicken thought.......  Leave comments please of good chicken names.

Unfortunately, my mom rejected the dye my hair blond for a month thing, so sorry about that.

Animal Shelters, Camera's, and Best Indie Bands

Sunday!  The day of glory!  For real, it is my favorite day of the week.  I volunteer at an animal shelter for four hours, and I've already wracked up about 26 service hours.  The animals are amazing.  Actually ever since I was about eight, I've been addicted to animals.  It all started one day at my farm......
I was woken up by my mom shaking me.
"Alia! Wake up! We need you!"
So I jumped out of bed and followed her outside onto the grassy lawn, acres and acres of beauty.  She led me to a shoe box, and inside was a baby bird.  The bird was so small and fragile, with it's eyes sealed shut and no feathers, which made it seem so small and naked.  We named him BEE BO (don't ask me why), and I cried for hours because my mom told me that there was nothing we could do to save him, and that without his mother he would die.  We called the country vet, but he said there was nothing he could do.  We also tried to look for a nest or some sign of his family, but we had no such luck.  So I decided to apply for the position of mother.  I wiped the tears from my eyes, and got a shovel from the barn, and dug a huge hole in our lawn (which my dad got super pissed off about).  I dug the hole and found tons of worms to feed BEE BO, but I knew that momma birds regurgitated their worms into the baby's throat.  So I ate the worms and then I threw them-----Haha just kidding I didn't do that.  I took the worms, and mashed them(yes yes disgusting) and mixed them with a little bit of water, to seem like momma bird puke.  Then I put the worm feast into an eye dropper and tried to feed BEE BO.  He ate a little, but two days later he died.  I cried a lot, but I pledged to care for animals when I got older.  I still want to be a vet, but vet school just gets harder and harder these days.  So the animal shelter is where I get my animal fix, since my dad is allergic to things with fur, and the fur-less cat are kind of creepy( in a cute kind of way).

After my animal shelter fix, my mom took me to Costco, so she could shop for groceries and I could see if I could afford a new camera.  Unfortunately, I could not.  I need to make about fifty more dollars to get my new Nikon.  So I came home empty handed, well not empty handed actually I was carrying ten grocery bags, but same difference.

The other day, I got some great vintage stuff from salvation army.  It took about two hours of shopping to find some good stuff, but it was worth it for sure.

Item numero uno was a super sleek sequined top, that an old lady tried to steal from me at the check out line. As you can see, I won that battle.

This is just a super cute old sailor looking dress from my mom's time (or so she says, but she always aims about ten year younger).  Sorry about the photo quality too cause I took the pictures from my dad's iPhone.  I thought it would take better pictures, but I guess phone crappyness never seizes to amaze me.

This is a bad pic, but it's a black/dark red lacy holey dress, something I've never really seen before.  It looks great with a silver belt too.  I would have taken these pictures with the outfits on, but I stayed up 'till about three in the morning yesterday, so I looked like the waking dead.  I didn't want to scare you.

And here is the classical silver belt.  All this under ten buckaroos.

I actually wanted to mention that I seriously dislike some of the current music that the world's teens are listening to.  Rap is not music.  It is repeated pounding and someone speaking or yelling words that are seriously degrading to women.  If you actually listen to the lyrics, they're appalling, and so is the headache you get afterwards.  I guess I just never grew up with that stuff.  My parents spoon fed me the Beatles, The Sound of Music, Billy Joel, Phil Collins, the Rolling Stones, Bob Marley, ABBA, James Taylor, and so much other good REAL music.  Recently, I've been pretty into some great Indie bands.  Here are my top picks.

This is a hilarious video, and a really good song.  These guys are called the Black Keys, and I wish more people knew about them so spread the word.

This is The Temper Trap.  They's real good.

I think that video was fan made, but I couldn't find the original, and you get the point.  They are rockin'.  So next time you are listening to Jay-Z or Ke$ha, stop, and listen to these guys.  This is real raw talent, and it's hard not love.

Live, Love, Rock, and please wear deodorant

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Singin' With a man at potbelly

Well, this day has been an interesting one.  After a late breakfast of croissants, my dearest mother took me to salvation army for some shopping.  We shopped for about three hours, and I got some great vintage dresses.  But that is not the best part.  The best thing ever happened at lunch.  We walked to a potbelly's in downtown, braving the ferocious winds.  When we got in, we ordered our subs, and sat down.  A man with a stool, a mic, and a guitar was singing in the corner, and he was amazing.  He sounded just like James Tailor.  He sang a bunch of oldies, like the Beatles, the turtles, the Mammas and the Pappas.  One song he sang was California Dreaming, by the Mammas and the Pappas.  He played it really well, so I joined in singing as the harmony part in the background.  We just sang away while everyone else in potbelly's just smiled and stared.  We were frikin' amazing, but my mom didn't know how to video tape it with her phone, because she is technologically handicapped.  So all I can do is post the original song and leave the rest up to you to imagine.  

Friday, March 11, 2011


So today, was the day of the banana.  You see, I share a locker with someone not to be named.  Unfortunately, I left a banana in the locker.  I know, it was stupid.  So my locker partner told me to get it out of there, and I did. A few days later, my locker partner was pissed when he or she saw another black banana in the locker.
"What is this???!!!!!"
"A banana" I said.
"I thought you took it out."
"I did.  That's a different one."
Obviously, they didn't believe me.
Then I proceeded to clean out my locker and get rid of the OTHER banana.  Unfortunately, by now my locker partner probably( and rightly so) wants to strangle me.  So if MY LOCKER PARTNER is reading this, I love you and I'm sorry.  Oh! And we need to spray perfume in the locker so that it doesn't smell like rotten bananas.

On a brighter note, today in Algebra was truly a good time.  There was ukulele playing, singing, and fine dining (On gum and old jolly ranchers).  So all is well (except for the locker thing, which is the opposite of a good time).

Also coming soon is an experiment.  I'm going to die my hair blond, for a month.  I want to see if people treat me differently, because one of my blond friends told me that people treat her like she's not the sharpest knife in the drawer.  So for you Lena, I'm going blond.  I decided I'm going to DIY at home because salons cost too much.  I will post a picture when I have turned into a blondie.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Peanut Butter Blues

Yes, the title is epic and dramatic.  Thank you.  Anyways, as I write this I am currently sitting in my bed, eating peanut butter out of the jar.  Why you ask?  Well ,because my parents went out to dinner and the only thing I can cook is cereal, which gets old after a while.  So peanut butter it is.  Just add a spoon.
A few weeks ago, my uncle introduced me to a few really great reggae  bands, including an all girls band( i don't know why but girls and bands seem super cool together). 

This is the girl's band, Blue King Brown.

This is the other band, Seedless.  The part at the beginning is the best.  

Also I should mention just about now that I truly do love fashion.  It is another art form, but wearable (that's a word right?).  So I actually do some fashion designing, but mostly I just take pleasure in wacky outfits and long shopping sprees at Salvation Army.  Salvation Army is the best.  For any of you who have been there, you know that it takes a truly skilled shopper to brave the aisles and aisles of disorganized clothes.  You have to really know what your looking for, and they may or may not have it.  Mostly though, it is great because you can get great vintage retro clothes for sometimes as little as twenty cents.  That right people, TWENTY CENTS.  For example, see the outfit below.

OK maybe not.  The quality is awful.  But the show must go on.  I am wearing a floral scarf, 25 cents at salvation army.  The vest  is supposed to be a jacket for six or seven year olds, but I wanted to use it as a cropped vest thingy (it was also purchased at salvation army).  The boots were some brand of knock off Uggs I got at target for super cheap.  The shirt was a striped thin strapped tank that I got somewhere.  The only expensive thing was the jeans, which I bought at Abercrombie fro full price because there are only so many stores that sell pants for super slim four feet tall people.  Sophia Svoboda suggested that I post some of my fashion designs, so here they are.

They for sure need some work, but it's an OK start.  Also, Louis Vitton forever.

Gotta go.  ejhtgueghbughuerygheryfgbygyuguegreybj

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

PS: For my kewl original songs n stuff click this link to hear them https://sites.google.com/site/aliasoriginalmusic/home  
I don;t know how to download them directly to my blog.

Bloggin' Away

 Photography is the best.  Nuff said.  Like all art, it's deep, not just a picture but so much more.  For all of you photo geeks out there, you understand.  I am not the best photographer, and my current camera sucks, but I'm saving up for a new Nikon L110.  Also, having two super photogenic cats help the process along.  I take so many cat pictures, I feel like those old cat ladies(no offence to any cat ladies reading this).  So I'm going to post a few pictures and stuff.

My grandparents have a built in pool and the water was too cold to swim in so i settled with taking pictures of it.

These are real flowers, no joke.  I used this weird setting on my digital camera.

Kewl snake we caught at ye old farm.  It was smaller and cuter than the picture makes it seem.

Best cat picture you will ever see.  No joke.

Another gorgeous cat photo. 

Pure awesomeness.  I am sorry for all the cat pictures.

For a crappy camera, this is a pretty good picture.

So there you go people.  Some old summer pictures.  I have taken a  temporary photography break because of school work and time, also the fact that my friend's dog at my camera( I'm dead serious).  
Oh! School!  Well i am in fact in high school, but I will not say which high school in case someone looking at this is a creepy old man pretending to be a fifteen year old girl.  My family is made up of COPS, so watch out creepy rapists.  SO anyway, school takes up an insane amount of my precious time.  Physics is killing me with all of it's confusingess, but some classes are super cool.  Not naming any names, but my algebra teacher is the coolest person i have ever met.  We have dance parties in class, and talk about everything but Algebra, but still I always end up learning something.
(Owwwww!!!!!! Right now my Starbucks hot chocolate just killed a huge portion of my taste buds.)

So peace people

I'm new to the blogging world, so here goes nothin'

Well people who are reading this, I am a novice.  I have never done something like this before, and I'm kinda scared.  I decided to make a blog when I saw my friend and classmate Spencer Tweedy's.  It was amazing, so I decided to give it a go.  SO here I am, blabbing away nervously.
I guess I just want to blog about life you know?  There are so many great things that happen, and I wanna share 'em with the world. 