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Friday, March 25, 2011

Friday Friday Friday

Well, Fridays have been kind of ruined for me.  Rebecca Black's little single was playing during passing periods the whole day.  Actually, I wanted to talk about that.  Everyone knows about it, even my dad (who is forty something or another, and thinks he's a hipster).  When I showed it to my mom, she loved it(????? Moms.*Sigh*).  An although everyone claims that it is by far the worst song they have ever heard, when it is playing in the halls, everyone is smiling.  Despite the not so great lyrics and the ridiculosity of it all, it's pretty catchy.  Sure it's bad.  Sure you can only watch half the video before crying.  But, it's catchy and happy and carefree, so I gotta give her that.  I just hope she doesn't go into a movie theater, because she will not be able to decide which seat to take(sorry, corny joke).  If you haven't seen it(which is unlikely to say the least) here it is.

Wow.  No words to describe this masterpiece.
Hint: *sarcasm

I've actually been thinking though (dangerous, I know) about my future.  High schools are super hyped up about college applications and the whole process.  I guess I think it's a little bit TOO much at my school.  During Freshman Connection, they had us writing essays to colleges.  I just feel like you shouldn't do everything is high school just because it looks good on a college application you know?  And the pressure is immense.  These days, a B is the equivalent of a D.  High schoolers are cheating,lying, and BS ing, their way along just so they can get a little bit of a higher GPA.  Yes, it's important, but it is not the be all and end all.  You are not going to become a hobo because you got a B in World Studies.  And careers! Don't get me started.  Since I was three, I have wanted to be a vet.  But now that i'm in high school, I'm not so sure.  Spencer Tweedy begged me to be a comedian, my math teacher told me to be a writer, and my sister said it didn't matter because I would be in jail for animal hoarding.  You can't win.

Did any of you see the thirty rock episode last night? When people ask Liz Lemon what a newspaper stand is?   And a hobo said it was a toilet? I almost cried, because it is true.  The written word is becoming less and less valuable in this technological world.  Although many people still do appreciate good literature, I see fewer people at the beach reading a book, and more and more people playing Fruit Ninja on their new iPads.  Us writers and Bloggers need a plan B( that was also from the episode).  And speaking of dear Liz Lemon, Tina Few is one of my idols.  Being a comedy writer for movies and shows and SNL would be one of the coolest jobs ever. She is smart, pretty, extremely funny, and witty.  A girl can hardly ask for more.

-Yesterday was Thursday
Today is Friday
Tomorrow is Saturday
And After that is Sunday

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